Healthcare Facilities Today

Print Supplements

Reach a total print circulation of 21,000's print supplements extend your reach to the qualified circulation files of Building Operating Management and Facility Maintenance Decisions' executive building ownership, facilities management and maintenance/engineering decision makers in the healthcare sector.

Supplement Calendar:

June Print Supplement

  • Security & Safety
  • Infection Control
  • Parking & Grounds
  • Boilers

October Print Supplement

  • Plumbing & Restrooms
  • HVAC
  • Emergency Power
  • Slips & Falls

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Print Specs

Preferred File Types

  • 4‐Color process (CMYK) Ads: PDF/X‐1a:2001 or TIFF (TIF).
  • 2‐Color (3 Process colors maximum): EPS or DCS2 (Photoshop eps).
  • Black & White (Process Black/Grayscale): EPS or TIFF (TIF).

(Note: We are unable to process Microsoft Publisher files)

10 STEP GUIDE to obtaining a maximum quality print ad

  1. All fonts must be embedded, converted to outline or rasterized. List of non supported fonts.
  2. Photos and artwork should be at least 300 dpi. Lineart (ie: logos) should be 1200 dpi bitmap or a Vector image. We cannot submit any photos or artwork, to the printer, with less than 266 dpi.
  3. All color must be set up in either spot color or CMYK (process color). All RGB colors will be converted and will not appear in print as it did on-screen.
  4. All black type must be black only, not Rich Black or Registration.
  5. All color photos must be converted to CMYK with a total ink limit of 300%. Click here to see how to insure proper ink density levels.
  6. All black and white photos must be converted to grayscale with a 20-25% dot gain.
  7. Documents should be set up to the correct final ad size. (No printer marks)
  8. Any bleeds need to be set at 0.125" on all sides - no printer's marks or slugs.
  9. Transparencies must be flattened. Layer/effects, Flattener Presets must be set to "high resolution."
  10. It is recommended to use the Adobe PDF preset: PDF/X-1a:2001 when creating your PDF file. This setting is an industry standard for printing (please deselect all printer mark defaults and, if applicable, include the bleed here).

Color Typography

For optimum reproduction and clear and sharp copy, use sans serif fonts such as Arial, Calibri, Helvetica, Myriad or similar for small type. Reverse type reproduces best with large bold sans serif fonts. The same is true for color type. Thin serif fonts are difficult to read in color or reverse type. It is recommended that four color type and/or small four color reverse knock-outs be avoided. Black type that uses four color blends should never be used (Registration not allowed).

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Mechanical Specs

  • Publication Trim Size: 7.875 x 10.75
  • Live Area: 7 x 10

Ad Type



Bleed Page 8.125" 11"
Page 7" 10"
1/2 Vertical 3.375" 10"
1/2 Horizontal 7" 4.875"

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